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  1. Von Kniprode nacque nel 1310 a Monheim am Rhein. Egli ricoprì l'incarico di Komtur di Danzica ( 1338 - 1341 ), di Balga ( 1341 - 1343 ), e nel 1341 venne promosso a Gran Maresciallo. Von Kniprode venne eletto Gran Maestro nel 1351. Egli si impegnò costantemente nella crociata contro il Granducato di Lituania per ottenere un accesso in Livonia.

  2. Winrich von Kniprode was the 22nd Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. He was the longest serving Grand Master, holding the position for 31 years (1351–1382). His winning personality and his sense of tact and tone won the Order many friends within the nobility of Germany, France and England.

  3. Winrich von Kniprode entstammte einem niederrheinischen Rittergeschlecht. Geboren wurde er um 1310 in dem für die Familie namensgebenden Kniprath, einem vormaligen Ortsteil von Monheim am Rhein. [1] Über den Zeitpunkt seines Ordenseintrittes ist nichts bekannt; seine erste Erwähnung als Kompan des Pflegers von Preußisch Holland datiert aus ...

  4. Gran maestro (m. 1382) dell'Ordine teutonico, a partire dal 1351. Rialzò il prestigio politico e la potenza dell'ordine, che sotto la sua guida raggiunse il massimo splendore, e fu fautore di un'intensa attività di colonizzazione interna. Sconfisse in battaglia i Lituani a Rudau (1370) e si alleò con la lega anseatica contro i Danesi.

  5. Winrich von Kniprode was the 22nd Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights. He was the longest serving Grand Master, holding the position for 31 years (1351–1382). Von Kniprode was born in 1310 in Monheim am Rhein near Cologne. He served as the Komtur of Danzig (1338–1341) and Balga (1341–1343).

  6. Winrich von Kniprode è stato il ventiduesimo Gran Maestro dell'Ordine Teutonico. Il suo periodo di reggenza fu insolitamente lungo, coprendo un arco di tempo di 31 anni .

  7. Winrich von Kniprode was the 22nd Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. He was the longest serving Grand Master, holding the position for 31 years (1351–1382). His winning personality and his sense of tact and tone won the Order many friends within the nobility of Germany, France and England. Under his leadership, the Teutonic Order came to be characterized by knightly life and courtly culture.